8 Things You Should Know Before Becoming a Company Purchaser

1. What is the Job Scope of a Purchaser?
A purchaser is responsible for coordinating purchases of various products and services for their company.
They order stationery & pantry supplies, inventory, equipment, and services for all departments in the company to ensure the company needs are met.
A purchaser requires basic communication skills to negotiate for good deals, so that the company’s costs are not over-budget as well as to establish a good relationship with their vendors.
The primary aim of the company's purchase of products and services is to achieve its strategic business objectives.
2. What Does a Purchaser Do for a Company?
• Identifying requirements for goods, materials and services
• Identifying reliable suppliers
• Price negotiations
• Comparison of delivery terms
• Establishing order quantities
• Writing requests for bids and awarding supply contracts
• Coordinating delivery with the warehouse against storage capacities
3. What are the Essential Skills for a Purchaser?
• Strong negotiation skills
• Excellent communication skills
• Relationship building and management skills
4. What are the Goals of Purchasing?
• Maintain the right supply of products and services
• Maintain the quality standards of the operation
• Minimize the amount of money the operation spends
• Stay competitive with similar operations
5. What are the Steps in the Purchasing Process?
i. Problem and need recognition. This is often identified as the first and most important step in the customer's decision process
ii. Information search
iii. Evaluation of alternatives
iv. Purchase decision
v. Post-purchase behaviour
6. How to Improve Purchasing Methods?
• Centralize purchasing
• Plan for purchases
• Focus on quality
• Purchase locally
• Build long-term supplier relationships
• Explore outsourcing some purchasing
• Understand your inventory carrying costs
7. What Challenges of a Purchaser will be Facing?
Supply chain and procurement professionals face stress in their everyday life. These professionals are involved in the daily negotiations, planning and the management of supply, as well as the spending of their companies. Aside from that, they get lesser day-offs than any other professionals.
8. What is the Average Salary of Purchaser in Malaysia?
Data from Jobstreet.com.my
Order Office Supplies Online
It is a common practice to order office supplies by call to the nearest stationery store and give them a list of all the items that you want to purchase, then ask them to deliver to your place. Or you can prepare a list of items and go to the store collect all of them by yourself.
However, the world has evolved, we’re now living in a world where everything is on-line. Buying goods online nowadays is not the same as before, it is rarely that you would get cheated easily with the strict e-Commerce legislation in Malaysia.
You can enjoy a seamless online purchasing experience by placing orders for office essentials with just a computer or a smartphone at Pacific Wise – a promising hassle-free and easy-to-navigate office supply website.
It is definitely a secure e-Commerce platform which offering over 20,000 SKUs including office stationery, office pantry, hygiene solutions, printing service and business operating systems, which helps you able to focus on more important tasks by eliminating the extra efforts of getting the office supplier separately. At Pacific Wise, you can just get all of them within 1 place.
The other good reasons to purchase office supply at Pacific Wise are:
- Website with SSL Certificate and customers’ information are protected by Privacy Policy Conclusion In order to become a good company purchaser, you’re required to get the jobs done professionally for saving the company’s procurement cost as well as improve company’s operational efficiency. Hopefully the information that provided here can prepares you for becoming a company purchaser.
- Government authority license – SSM & Biztrust
- Fast Response and Quotation Reply
- Easy & Secure Payment
- Tracker App for Order Status Tracking
- Free & Fast Delivery (T&C Apply)
- Free Gifts with Min. Purchase of RM300
- Collect Reward Point