12.12 PW VIP RM1 Deals Day

This campaign had ended, thank you for your interest

As always, PW VIP members get the Absolute Best Deal.
We value our PW VIP members and we are having a
RM 1 DEALS DAY ON 12.12.2021
Purchase 6 BOX of Nature Facial Tissue (2PLY)
(Normal Price : RM10.92)
for ONLY RM1 on 12.12.2021 !
Check Out By Using The Code : "pwdouble12" On 12.12.2021
Please add 2 Quantity and checkout
PW VIP is a membership that gives our customer 13+ benefits, with 384.85%* ROI and even more to help our customers reduce operational cost and increase income!
Get PW VIP At The Price Of RM198/Year (Normal Price : RM 258 / Year) Only Till 31 December 2021 and get multiple ROI back!
Terms and Conditions
1. Only PW VIP members are entitled to purchase the product offered in “RM1 DEALS DAY”.
2. PW VIP member can checkout the product using the voucher code displayed above when the event starts and before the event ends.
3. The product for "RM1 DEALS DAY" on 12.12.2021 is Nature Facial Tissue (2PLY) at THIS LINK (CLICK HERE).Please check out 2 quantity.
4. Only 2 Quantity (Total of 6 boxes) of Nature Facial Tissue (2PLY) can be purchased per PW VIP member.
5. “RM1 DEALS DAY” campaign will start on 12.12.2021 at 12:01am to 11:59pm.
6. Only available for customers within MALAYSIA with a MALAYSIA delivery address.
7. Pacific Wise reserves the right to amend any of the Terms & Conditions, privileges and/or to terminate the “RM1 DEALS DAY” campaign at any time without any prior notice, and the terms and condition will be effective upon making the modified provisions available on the www.pacificwise.com.my.
8. Pacific Wise does not and will not assume any obligation to notify you of any changes to the terms of the Agreement. Furthermore, Pacific Wise may add to, change, suspend or discontinue any and all aspects of the Service at any time, with no prior notice necessary.